Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hand Sculpture Opinion

So, we are finally finished with our hand sculptures! Hooray! Tell me what you thought about the project.

<- Hand sculptures in progress. :)


  1. I think this project was very suitable for an early semester project. It was able to tell people a little bit about ourselves, and show our basic sculpture skills. Also, I think plastering our own hands was an entertaining thing to do both for me and my partner. An enjoyable project~!

  2. The hand sculpture project was really exciting at the beginning because you got to wrap your hand with plaster tape soaked with hot water:) In the middle of the project, it was really challenging to me because I needed to put my "hand" all in one piece that was scattered into pieces! At the end, I felt proud and amazed:D

  3. So, we are finally finished with our hand sculptures! Hooray! Tell me what you thought about the project.
    I thought this project was very exiting and fun. I had a great time (if you take out the part of cutting my hand open which really hurt ): ) I liked how we used a lot of new things like modge podge and plaster tape etc. I hope we have fun on the next project too!!

  4. I liked this project very much; I was able to learn lots of different art materials such as modge podege or gessoes. At first when I had to cast my hand and cut them, it was very horrifying but decorating my plaque and painting was fun ^-^

  5. I think this project was fun and interesting. I enjoyed making the hand sculpture. This was my first time making the hand sculpture. I was nervous at first, but after I finished my sculpture, I was very happy:)

  6. I really enjoyed this project and think this was very crucial for this semester. I had lots of fun putting the plaster on my hand, and trying to get it out of the drying plaster with the help of Mr. Bray. This project helped me get stronger in my sculpture skills, and really helped me get used to this class, and really see what Sculpture class was. I loved decorating my hand on the wood plaque. I hope we have as much as fun on the next project! :)

  7. I think the project was interesting because we used unusual materials unlike crayons or color pencils. We used new materials like jesso and mod-podge. Also, we used plaster tape and hot glues. Therefore, I liked this project.
    -Sukwon S. A block

  8. I really liked this project! There were many fun steps to it (putting the plaster strips on, making sketches, gluing my items on the hand) and I think this was a very unique sculpting method. We could express who we are with art, and I don't think anyone ran out of time (there was extra extra time, and we drew the sketches, so we were done with thinking). I think every assignment we do will be messier (which I like :) and more fun than the one before. ART ROCKS!!!

  9. I really enjoyed helping cut the plaster off of your hands and the project is very interesting. I was never very good at art when I was in middle school, but I think it had to do with what my school was offering. If I had a class like this, I probably would have enjoyed it and possibly developed some artistic style. Great job everyone!

    Mr. Bray
