Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hooray for Clay!

We are starting our clay unit! Hooray! Read this short article about clay and its uses. Write one thing you didn't know before, one thing you already knew and write one thing you'd like to learn more about. (that's 3 different answers!)


  1. I didn't know that people started to fire potteries only after 6000BC. I thought it would be way before when the people started to make them. I knew that if you do not fire clay, it would turn back into mush when exposed to water. I would like to learn more about what kinds of methods each way of using the clay are.

  2. &I didn't know that clay is from river banks. I thought it was just dirt that was wet;; well, that would be mud, actually. :D
    &I heard about slip, and I wanted to know more about slip too.
    &I already knew that you can rewet clay to make it soft and squishy again!!! :)

  3. 1.I did not know that people began to use clay starting at about 6000 BC.
    2.I already knew that clay is formed and found along the banks of a river or a stream. I also knew that with water added to the clay, it gets squishy and so it is easy to make various types of shapes.
    3.I want to learn more about the first people to use the clay. I want to know why they used it and how they used it.

  4. Patrick K said...

    I knew that clay can be soft when it is wet, and can be made into any shape. I also knew that clay can be hardened forever when it is fired up. However, I didn't know that clay were found in along the banks of rivers or streams. I also didn't know that people made houses out of clay as well. I would like to learn more about different ways you can use clay to create stuff. This is interesting.

  5. I knew that clay was found among the banks of rivers or streams.
    I did not know the fact that firing clay started at about 6000BC
    I want to know more about how the people in ancient world built houses and different forms and uses of the houses they made out of clay.

  6. One thing that I knew before is that clays are squishy, wet, and I can make any shape with it.
    One thing that I didn't know is that Harappans and the Egyptians generally used a lot of clay.
    I would like to like to learn more about making mud-bricks.

  7. 1. One thing that I didn't know was that the people living long time ago used clay to build houses and that was the most important purpose of the clay. I didn't know this since I thought clay is only used for making pots or making sculptures.

    2. One thing that I knew was that clay is easy to make shapes with and it's found near rivers. It was easily found and since it is squishy when it is wet, it is easy to shape.

    3. One thing that I want to learn more about is how they used clay for making sculptures or houses. Especially for statues, I would like to see more etruscan statues.

  8. I knew that fire was used to harden the clay. However I didn't know that the process firing the clay first began about 6000 BC. I would want to know more about the usage of clay in building houses.

  9. I knew that the clay is very dirty and muddy. Also plates and vlows are made by clay.
    I want to how clay is very useful and why did the clay became poplar
    I didn't know clay was from Egyptains.

  10. I didn't know that clay could be made soft again by putting it back in water. I already knew that clay could made into all sorts of forms and shapes when it is in a soft state. I would like to learn more if there is more and different types of clay.

  11. I did not know that there were so many uses for clay such as pottery, bricks, and statues. I already knew that if you put clay back into water it would get squishy again, because it is wet in the beginning and I would like to know more about how people used clay for many different uses

  12. I didn't know people began to "fire" clay about 6000 BCE.
    I already knew that people who lived in river valleys, like Egyptians, used a lot of clay.
    I want to know more about the various uses of clay.

  13. 1. One thing I didn't know before:
    I didn't know that people started to fire clay at about 6000 BC, which was a long time ago.

    2. One thing I already knew:
    I already knew that clay can be found along the banks of a river or stream.

    3. One thing I would like to learn more about:
    I would like to learn more about firing clay, and how the process works.

  14. #1 One thing that I didn't know is that people used clay for dishes, plates, cups, and cook-pots.

    #2 One thing that I knew is that the ancient people used the clay to build houses and there are "mud-bricks".

    #3 One thing I would like to learn is how to make the statues with the clay.

  15. Sukwon S. 8th
    I knew that we can make any shapes with clay and it does dry really fast. However, I didn't know that we find clay near the bank of river or stream. Also, I would want to learn more about how Harrapans or Egyptians used clay in their life.

  16. One thing I didn't know about clay was that it could actually be soft again when put into a bucket of water for a long time, but not if it was 'fired'.
    One thing I knew about clay was that the Egyptians used clay to make houses.
    One thing I would like to learn more about is the procedures of making statues out of clay like they did in the ancient times.

  17. I didn't know you could make the clay soft again just by putting in the water for weeks if you hardened it in sunlight. I already knew clay was squishy and wet to make shapes, and then when you bake them in the oven it gets hardened. One thing I'd like to learn about clay is why did people use much clay, and why it was popular.

  18. One fact I didn't know was that arid areas like India and Egypt was easy to find clay along the river valleys.

    One fact I already knew was that clay is really well-heated in the sun but can return in its sticky form by putting the clay in a water-filled bucket.

    One fact I want to know more about is the patterns you can make for a pot. (or something made out of clay.)

  19. One thing i didn't know about clay was that you can generally find clay along the banks of a river of stream, wherever the river is pulling dirt down off the mountains or hills and dropping it in a quiet part of the river lower part of the river lower down. I knew it was made of dirt but i thought they did something very scientific with it before making it into clay.

    i already knew that clay was used for making houses

    i would like to learn about how to make clay into a strong but elegant shape.
