Imagine you have the power to create a sculpture so powerful that when people see it, it changes the world. How do you want to change the world-(Bring peace to all? Bring total chaos and destruction? Make all people become vegetarians? Make everyone can understand every language in the world...)? What would your sculpture look like? How big would it be? What materials would it be made of? Where would you put it? How would you get everyone in the world to look at it?
Put some real thought into answering these questions and write in paragraph form. Be as descriptive as possible. I want to be able to SEE your sculpture!
(above sculpture called: Non-Violence, by Carl Fredrik Reutersward. Photo found here:http://artistsunite-ny.org/blog/?m=200610&paged=2)
I would design a sculpture that brings peace to everyone and makes everyone joyful. It would look like a sunflower and in the center I would put a circle that resembles a sun. I would prefer a big sculpture that is as big as a computer. I would use metals to make the outline of the flower and cover the "sun" with bright colored papers and paper mache the leaves and paint it with green. I would use metal to make the stem. I would place it in an amusement park where a lot of people visit. I would make it glow in the dark to grab everyones attention.
ReplyDeleteI would make a sculpture that would stop terrorism around the world, so everyone would be safe from "outer things". I would make a metal sphere as the earth and carve out which should be earth or the sea. Then, I would wrap the 'Earth' with green and black string, to represent that the army and that the 'earth' is protected from danger. I would make it as big as an elephant, and I would put it in a park, where everyone would relax and 'gaze' at the amazing 'earth'. haha. :D
ReplyDeleteMy sculpture would bring peace, as it helps others to understand the memories soldiers had to bear in and after war. It would be a bit big, about the size of half of our whiteboard but in the shape of a sphere. It would be made of metals with spikey points that resemble knives, swords and guns. I would put it very high up, above somewhere like times square, where people can notice, and not get hurt by it.
ReplyDeleteIf I can create such a sculpture, I would want all of the people in the world to speak the same language because most people are having trouble learning each other's language and communicating with each other. However, if everyone is speaking the same language, there is no need to go through this difficulty. My sculpture would look like an opened book standing on it's own with every language names written there for language learnings, and I would make it as big as the Empire State Building. I would put it in every state in America, because many people with different languages travel to America, so there is a lot of chance that at least one of each and every people from places with different languages will see it. The sculpture itself would be made of Hard Stones, hard enough that it is almost unbreakable.
ReplyDeleteMy sculpture would most likely be miniature earth and smoke and bicycles sticking out of it. The message I want to send to people is to stop global warming. There are indeed a lot of benefits using machines and well, industrial companies, but there are also drawbacks that would happen in the near future. The sculpture would be made out of copper, and the smoke would be sticking out on all sides of the miniature earth. The bicycle would be on the edge of the earth as if it is going around the earth, representing that people will ride bicycles instead of cars all over the world. The sculpture will be very big, as big as out room, and placed in the middle of a park.
ReplyDeleteIf I could create a sculpture powerful enough to change the humanity, I would create it so that people would quit smoking. The sculpture would be in a shape of a cigarette burning a person's lungs. It would be in the size of an elephant. It would be made out of metal. I would put in every major city in the world, so the majority of the smokers in the cities can look at it.
ReplyDeleteI would create a sculpture that would stop global warming it would be a giant ball as big as a million basketballs and it would be hollow. In the middle I would put a light that would flicker that would look like flame. I would design the outside to look like the earth and put artifical flames all around. I would then hang it in the sky from a plane so everyone would feel guilty and stop poluting.
ReplyDeleteI would make a sculpture that is not that big, but just about a size of a person. If a person sees my sculpture, that person will be happy. I think I would make it out of glass. Then I will place it in one of the parks, that can everybody to look at the sculpture and be pleasant. It would look like a flower, and it would be also pleasant to look at.
ReplyDeleteI would design a sculpture that can make people speak the same language because people can't communicate sometimes and that might be a problem. My sculpture would look like many languages mixed into one and lots of different kinds of people standing on it. I would make it so it is about the size as my mac. I would like to put it at every school so every children,teachers, and some parents can see.
ReplyDeleteI would make a sculpture that would stop starvation and hunger going around the world. My sculpture would remind and encourage people to help people around the world who are less fortunate than us. My sculpture would consist of two parts, the hand and the earth. A helping hand will offer its hand to the earth representing people helping others all around us from starvation. My sculpture would be made out of steel and would be the sized of a whole room. I would build my sculpture in the middle of times square where millions of people will be able to see it everyday.
ReplyDeleteMy sculpture would be gas coming out from the car. I think people will think there will be lot of gas coming out from the so they will think instead of riding car they will ride bus or taxi. I will put this sculpture in the middle of park because lots of people will come riding the cars but instead of car they can ride bus. My sculputer of car would be very small and the gas of the car will be very big. Also, the car will be silver and the gas will be dirty plastic. I hope in the future lots of people will ride bus or taxi instead of car.
ReplyDeleteI would make a sculpture that makes people happy. My sculpture would look like "heart". This sculpture would be made of metal, so no one can break it. I would place my sculpture in Africa or place where people are starved to death. The people who are starve, they will be happy even though they are hungry. My sculpture's size will be about size of the door. So that people can notice this sculpture easily.
ReplyDeleteMy sculpture would be a old, brittle, sick-looking man holding a cigarette. He would be crouching down, holding his cigarette in his left hand. He would be very thin showing that he is sick, and his face would look exhausted and worn with wrinkles with an expression so desperate because of some kind of stress. I would try to show smokers that smoking will do nothing but kill our precious lives, and that they would someday look like the sick man in the sculpture. While your body is fighting with the harmful smoke, the smokers themselves are not realizing what they are doing to their health and to the others around them. Just because of the addiction in cigarettes, thousands of people are suffering and dying because of smoking.
ReplyDeleteI want to change the world where smoking is banned. My sculpture will look like a bucket of water pouring down towards the flaming cigarette. The size of my sculpture will be different: the bucket of water big and the cigarette small. The materials will be made of metals and woods, such as: copper for flame and cigarette and wood for the rest of it, to represent that copper part of the sculpture is unhealthy, and that wood part of the sculpture is stopping the cigarette to burn. I would put the sculpture in a crowded place, full of people in Seoul (like Coex mall). I would make everyone in the world look at my sculpture by suggesting the "New York Times" newspaper company to take a picture of my sculpture and put it at the very front page for everyone to see it.
ReplyDeleteMy sculpture would be designed to help poor children in suffer from all around the world. It would be as big as the statue of liberty and like the statue of liberty it would be named "love Enlightening the world". It would be shaped as a Young child in suffer of starvation and diseases and i would concentrate mostly on the face of the child's pain. This would help people to realize how many poor children are not being treated well and try to help. I will make part of this sculpture as a building so when people walk in and out of it they can remember and see it every day.
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ReplyDeleteSukwon S.
ReplyDeleteI would make car and x on it. If people see this statue, people will think about how serious riding car cause rapid global warming. This will make people to ride public transportation, especially subway, because gas from car is the biggest reason for rapid global warming. I would make the sculpture with tree and plants because they both convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. I would put it in White House which is one of the place that comes out in news everyday, so many people can see using TV or news.
My sculpture would make people stop judging others by their outermost features. It would be made out of steel and about 5ft tall. There will be two bags: an expensive-looking bag and a cheap-looking bag. The latter would contain words like friendship, love, passion, kindliness, whereas the former one would be empty. I would place it on top of a famous building.
ReplyDeleteMy sculpture would be a young child holding a very old, brittle, but clear mirror, reflecting everyone who passes by the sculpture. The child would neither be smiling nor frowning, but a serious expression that makes the person who looks at the sculpture feel serious about it. The child's eyes would capture the person, whoever is looking inside the mirror.
ReplyDeleteThe purpose of this mirror is for the person to reflect back on themselves, of what they had done, of how they had lived, how they thought about everything. The reflection would bring the people to become interested in themselves, not anyone else, and that would cause a better change around the world. I always want people to think about themselves first than blaming things on other people.
My sculpture will be a smelly, polluted river with rubbish floating on the water. There will be empty bottles, tissues, and the water's color would be black. When people see this sculpture, they would get the message to stop the pollution. My sculpture will be made out of clay, to make hollow dirt, and and pour water in, so that water will be in the hollow part, and water would be colored brown caused by clay.