Imagine you are in the gallery, looking at these sculptures by artist Ron Mueck and answer the following questions. Please answer in paragraph form, not question and answer. Remember this is just your opinion so there is no wrong answer!
How do they make you feel? Why do they make you feel that way? If they were life sized how would they make you feel? Smaller than life size? Why?
What message do you think the artist was trying to convey with these sculptures?
Walking into a gallery just full of these giant sculptures would probably scare me. I mean, from far away these would look VERY realistic. And to see a dismembered head just lying there would creep me out. But that's what's also great about these sculptures. Their realistic appearance made me think at first that these were real people. If the sculptures were smaller, at a human scale, a lot of detail would've been lost. And even more could be lost if it were made smaller than that. The artist was probably going for something along the lines of that, to try and create the most realistic human sculptures he could.
ReplyDeleteThis make me so shocked and unrealistic. The skin, color, muscles are exactly the same with normal human which is quite amazing. If it was a nomral life scale, I would think the sculptures are real human. If the sculpture was smaller than the life siaze, it would still creep me out!!
ReplyDeleteI think these sculptures want to give a message, saying "Everything can be made with sculpture"
At first, these sculptures made me feel grossed out because they were very realistic, but were just bigger than normal size. If they were life sized, it would be more creepy and would look more real. If it was smaller than life size, it wouldn't look as creepy because I would realize that it is sculpture, not real human. I think that the artist was trying to say that sculptures can look like real objects.
ReplyDeleteI notice all of sculputres above are not smiling nor looks sad. It gave me a feeling of calmness. If is kind of freaky,especially the baby above. It showed all the details. I think if they weren't that big, he would have hard time showing the details. If it was smaller than or equal to an life size, it would be less interesting then or eyecatching then right now. Also, his sculptures above are all human whhich make it look more calm. With this I think he was trying to tell me different ages shows different calmness
ReplyDeletethese sculptures make you feel like they were real. This is because of the details and the texture of the sculpture. However,if they were in real size, it would be less eye catching or interesting if it was in real size or smaller. this is because if it was in real size or smaller, the small details would not show. I think the artist was trying to say that he could focus on the details and make the sculptures look real.
ReplyDeleteIf I were at a museum and were looking at this giant sculptures I would have been very surprised. Since the sculptures are so huge and so realistic, I might have even thought the sculptures are real living human beings. But the size of the sculpture really does make it stand out. So, for example, if the sculptures were life size(the size of a normal person), it wouldn't have stood out as much. If I saw the sculptures life sized, I would have just felt "wow, how realistic". Since life sized sculptures are such common sculptures you see in everyday life, it wouldn't have really stood out or make me go "WOW". And if the sculpture was very small, as another example, it would not have stood out AT ALL. Since the sculpture is very small, it wouldn't have caught my eyes . I would have just felt "how cute" unlike the very big "WOW" I felt when I saw the big sculptures. I think that the artist were trying to convey by making the sculptures really big, the interesting uniqueness in the thing we see in everyday life. I think the artist were trying to show us how interesting and how unique things you see in everyday life.
ReplyDeleteI feel like there would be a great meaning in the sculptures because there must be a reason why the sculptor made them so huge. If these sculptures were life sized, I think everyone would just pass by the artwork in the museum because it doesn’t have uniqueness. If these were smaller than life size, I think it would make me think if the sculptor was trying to show low self-esteem or lacking confidence or being humble.
ReplyDeleteI think it might be very unrealistic. So good to see this. Lovely post I enjoy it.
ReplyDeletedean graziosi